
Postural Assessment for Massage Therapists (Feb 26 2025)

Date: February 26th 2025 @ 6pm PST
Location: Online Webinar over Zoom

Does posture matter? You probably learned postural assessment as part of your training. You have also probably have read that there is no evidence that poor posture causes pain. So which is it? Does posture matter and should you include it in your assessment and treatment?

It depends.
Published literature tells us that posture is not a cause of pain yet most health care professionals think it is an important part of clinical practice. There is a confusing gap between research and clinical expertise. This confusion often creates polarized opinions that lead clinicians to reject postural assessment entirely or focus too strongly on it. This webinar is about understanding that confusion, navigating the ‘grey’ of clinical reasoning and learning the simple tools that will help you determine if posture matters, for each patient.

Original price was: $48.00.Current price is: $38.00.


Early Bird Pricing Ends Soon

2025/02/10 23:59:59


Leave with an overview of the current evidence on the relationship between posture and pain.

Clinical Reasoning

Learn simple clinical reasoning tools to determine if postural assessment, education and treatment is helpful for each individual patient.

Patient Centered

Key take home messages will help you to keep your assessment, education and treatment patient centered and avoid common errors.

Hear what other RMTs have to say

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“A big thank you. I’m inspired and a better therapist than I was on Friday.”

Vancouver BC

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“I loved Mark’s ability to encourage us to think and explore while still directing our attention to the right answers!”

Vancouver BC

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

“I love that everything we learn is immediately applicable to clinical practice.”

– Mathew B, RMT
Auckland New Zealand


Answers to your questions

When is it?

The webinar takes place over Zoom on February 26th 2025 at 6pm PST.

How long is it?

90 minutes.  (60 min presentation + 30 mins of questions)

How do I join?

After purchase you will receive and order receipt with the Zoom link to join the webinar.

Will the webinar be recorded?


Is this eligible for continuing education credits?

Yes, this webinar meets the requirements for CMTBC and RMTAO practice development.


Join us on February 26th @ 6pm

Refine your understanding.
Leave with practical tools.

Original price was: $48.00.Current price is: $38.00.Add to cart


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